from: John Rawlings
Stanford University Libraries
Green Library, General Ref Dept
Stanford, CA 94305-6004 USA
am] Librarian at Green Library, Stanford, responsible for several
collections including language and linguistics. In addition to purchase,
we would be happy to receive as gifts pidgin/creole material that
would be catalogued in union catalogues such as OCLC and RUN, and
that could be borrowed by other libraries through interlibrary loan.
New Guinea
from: Edward Wiruk
Pacific Islands Ministries
Private Mail Bag Service
PO Wewak, ESP
I am coordinating the PIM literacy programme and work as an Elementary
and Literacy Trainer Coordinator. My job is basically training literacy
and elementary school teachers, coordinating programmes, supervis-ing
teachers and producing materials for both programmes.
year we have 26 prep schools in operation (using Tok Pisin). One
of them is a literacy centre to train teachers for literacy schools
in the Hunstein Range area where there is no existence of formal
primary education. We are planning to start literacy classes in
other areas as well.
schools [using vernacular languages] are sprouting like mushrooms
everywhere but there is a great need to produce necessary materials
and secure support to keep them going.
I will be training 15 trainers from 13 March 2000. The purpose is
to have supervisors and trainers in the literacy programmes in the
Ambunti district.
assistance from the World Wide Fund for Nature, we will be focusing
on the literacy programme within the next five years. I am very
glad that something will work out well to assist the bulk of our
from: Jacques Arends
University of Amsterdam
Theoretical Linguistics, Spuistraat 210
1012 VT Amsterdam
Although my main interest in creoles is their historical development,
I’m also interested in applied issues. In January 1999, Eithne
Carlin (Leiden University) and I organized a semi-popular symposium
on “The languages of Suriname”. This one-and-a-half
day event, which took place at Leiden University, was specifically
designed to be of interest both to academics and non-academics (especially
persons with a Surinamese background). The symposium, during which
all (ca 15) Suri-namese languages were addressed, drew an audience
of well over 100 participants and was widely covered in both local
and national media. The organizers are currently editing a book
based on the presentations, which is also specifically directed
at an academic and non-academic readership. This will be the first
book in which all Surinamese languages are dealt with, including
the three major creoles (Sranan, Ndyuka and Saramaccan) and their
sub-varieties (Boni, Paramaccan, Matawai and Kwinti).